About Us
President : Steve Cady 0413990667
Vice President : Paul Bright 4840 6135
Secretary: Russell Kennedy--White 4841 0542
Assistant Secretary : Pam Watts 4823 5619
Treasurer : Warren Cochrane 4844 5257
Assistant Secretary: Paul Kemp 4844 4440
Dating and Registrar: Barry Burrows 48219866 (W)
John Tate 48214671
Web Site Editor: Steve Cady 0413990667
Merchandise Officer : Steve Cady 0413990667
Events Co-Coordinator : Tom Marmont 4822 0716
Public Officer : Warren Cochrane 48445257
Club Patron : Tony Lamarra 48215349
Inspectors : John Tate,Beau Tate,Barry Burrows, R Hood
Publicity Officer : Tina Bright 48406135
Sergeant at Arms: Murray Gallagher Whill McDonell
Club Name: Goulburn Historic and Classic Car Club INC.
Address: P O Box 287, Goulburn 2580
Club Colours: Blue and Gold
Club Membership: $40.00 /Year
Insurance: $10 000 000
Meetings: Held on the first Tuesday of each month at Goulburn Soldiers Club 7.30 pm.
Life Members
Bruce Lambert
Neal Hunt
Chig Thynne
Keith Harvey
Max Keys
Ellis Collins